Module Ttree

module Ttree: sig .. end

Arbres issus du typage

type ident = string 
type typ = 
| Tint (*


| Tstructp of structure (*

struct S *

| Tvoidstar (*

void *

| Ttypenull (*

le type donné à la constante 0

type structure = {
   str_name : ident;
   str_fields : (ident, field) Stdlib.Hashtbl.t;
type field = {
   field_name : string;
   field_typ : typ;
type unop = Ptree.unop 
type binop = Ptree.binop 
type decl_var = typ * ident 
type expr = {
   expr_node : expr_node;
   expr_typ : typ;


type expr_node = 
| Econst of int32
| Eaccess_local of ident
| Eaccess_field of expr * field
| Eassign_local of ident * expr
| Eassign_field of expr * field * expr
| Eunop of unop * expr
| Ebinop of binop * expr * expr
| Ecall of ident * expr list
| Esizeof of structure
type stmt = 
| Sskip
| Sexpr of expr
| Sif of expr * stmt * stmt
| Swhile of expr * stmt
| Sblock of block
| Sreturn of expr


type block = decl_var list * stmt list 
type decl_fun = {
   fun_typ : typ;
   fun_name : ident;
   fun_formals : decl_var list;
   fun_body : block;
type file = {
   funs : decl_fun list;