
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
Require Import Bool Arith List.

Local Notation "~~ b" := (negb b) (at level 2).
Local Notation "b1 == b2" := (eqb b1 b2) (at level 70).

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* We are here interested in proving facts about propositional logic.   *
 *                                                                      *
 * The purpose of this exercice is the proof of the 2 following facts:  *
 * - 1. natural deduction is correct w.r.t. the interpretation of       *
 *      assertions;                                                     *
 * - 2. it is decidable to check that an assertion is universally       *
 *      valid. We are going to check that by implementing a sound       *
 *      normalization algorithm for assertions, and then to write, in   *
 *      Coq, a simple decision for the universal validity of the        *
 *      normalized assertions.                                          *)

(* ==================================================================== *)
(* The following datatype describe the syntax of assertions. The        *
 * constructors for True, the negation and the double implication       *
 * are not primitive. They are expressed using the other constructions  *
 * of the logic.                                                        *)

Inductive assn : Type :=
| PVar (_ : nat) (* Variable propositionnelle *)
| PFalse (* Faux *)
| PAnd (_ : assn) (_ : assn) (* Conjonction *)
| POr (_ : assn) (_ : assn) (* Disjonction *)
| PImp (_ : assn) (_ : assn). (* Implication *)

Notation PTrue := (PImp PFalse PFalse).
Notation PNot p := (PImp p PFalse).
Notation PIff p q := (PAnd (PImp p q) (PImp q p)).

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* A valuation is simply a function from propositional variables to     *
 * truth values.                                                        *)

Notation valuation := (nat -> bool) (only parsing).

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Complete the definition of the following function that computes the  *
 * semantic of an assertion from the given valuation.                   *)

Fixpoint sem (v : valuation) (p : assn) : bool :=
  (* <skip> *)
  match p with
  | PVar x => v x
  | PFalse => false
  | PAnd p1 p2 => sem v p1 && sem v p2
  | POr p1 p2 => sem v p1 || sem v p2
  | PImp p1 p2 => ~~ (sem v p1) || sem v p2
  (* </skip> *)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* We now define the notions of begin satisfiable under a valuation     *
 * and of being universally valid.                                      *)

Definition sat (v : valuation) (p : assn) :=
  sem v p = true.

Definition valid (p : assn) :=
  forall v, sat v p.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* The following inductive predicate defines the notion of judgement    *
 * in natural deduction. This predicate accepts two arguments:          *
 *                                                                      *
 * - a list of assertions that stands for the proof context;            *
 * - the assertion that is proven under this context.                   *)

Inductive dn : list assn -> assn -> Prop :=
  (* Non-structural rules *)
| Ax env p :
    In p env -> dn env p

| Absurd env p :
    dn (PNot p :: env) PFalse -> dn env p

  (* Introduction rules *)

| AndI env p q : dn env p -> dn env q -> dn env (PAnd p q)
| OrIL env p q : dn env p -> dn env (POr p q)
| OrIR env p q : dn env q -> dn env (POr p q)
| ImpI env p q : dn (p :: env) q -> dn env (PImp p q)

  (* Elimination rules *)

| FalseE env p : dn env PFalse -> dn env p
| AndEL env p q : dn env (PAnd p q) -> dn env p
| AndER env p q : dn env (PAnd p q) -> dn env q
| OrE env p q r : dn env (POr p q) -> dn (p :: env) r -> dn (q :: env) r -> dn env r
| ImpE env p q : dn env p -> dn env (PImp p q) -> dn env q

(* <hide> *)
Hint Constructors dn : prop.
(* </hide> *)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* We first start to prove that the predicate dn is stable by         *
 * weakening or permuting the proof context. The following definition   *
 * defines an ordering over proof contexts.                             *)

Definition subenv (e1 e2 : list assn) :=
  forall q, In q e1 -> In q e2.

(* <hide> *)
Definition subenv_cons (e1 e2 : list assn) (p : assn) :
  subenv e1 e2 -> subenv (p :: e1) (p :: e2).
intros se q qin; apply in_inv in qin; destruct qin as [eq|h].
+ now rewrite eq; left. + now right; apply se.

Hint Resolve subenv_cons : prop.
(* </hide> *)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Show that dn is monotone from subenv                             *)

Lemma subenv_dn (e1 e2 : list assn) (p : assn) :
  subenv e1 e2 -> dn e1 p -> dn e2 p.
(* <skip> *)
intros sube dn1; revert e2 sube; induction dn1; intros; eauto 4 with prop.
+ now apply OrE with p q; eauto with prop.
(* </skip> *)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* We now prove the correctness of dn. Prove the following lemma,     *
 * by induction on dn env p.                                          *)

Lemma correctness (env : list assn) (p : assn) :
  dn env p -> forall v, (forall q, In q env -> sat v q) -> sat v p.
(* <skip> *)
unfold sat; induction 1; simpl; intros v sate.
+ now apply sate.
+ case_eq (sem v p); [trivial | intros sp; apply (IHdn v)].
  intros q qine; apply in_inv in qine; case qine; auto.
  now intros eq; rewrite <- eq; simpl; rewrite sp.
+ now apply andb_true_iff; split; [apply IHdn1 | apply IHdn2].
+ now apply orb_true_iff; auto.
+ now apply orb_true_iff; auto.
+ apply orb_true_iff; case_eq (sem v p); [intros semvp; right|tauto].
  apply IHdn; intros r rinXe; apply in_inv in rinXe.
  now case rinXe; [intros eq; rewrite <- eq|auto].
+ now case (sem v p); [|apply (IHdn v)].
+ now assert (h := IHdn _ sate); simpl in h; apply andb_true_iff in h.
+ now assert (h := IHdn _ sate); simpl in h; apply andb_true_iff in h.
+ assert (h := IHdn1 _ sate); simpl in h; apply orb_true_iff in h.
  case h as [eq|eq]; [apply IHdn2| apply IHdn3]; intros t tine;
    now apply in_inv in tine; case tine; intros; subst; auto.
+ now generalize (IHdn2 _ sate); simpl; rewrite (IHdn1 _ sate).
(* </skip> *)

(* ==================================================================== *)
(* We are now interested in deciding if a given assertion is            *
 * universally valid or not. For that, we first normalize the           * 
 * assertions, obtaining an expression built from boolean constants,    *
 * propositionnal variables and if-then-else statements whose           *
 * condition is a propositional variables.                              *)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* We start by defining an intermediate datatype that describe the      *
 * syntax of normalized assertions, except for the side conditions      *
 * of the if-then-else expressions that are still unconstrained.        *)

Inductive ifassn : Type :=
| PIVar (_ : nat) (* variable propositionnelle *)
| PIConst (_ : bool) (* constante true / false *)
| PIIf (_ : ifassn) (_ : ifassn) (_ : ifassn). (* if-then-else *)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Define the semantic of the assertions of type ifassn.              *)

Fixpoint ifsem (v : valuation) (p : ifassn) : bool :=
  (* <skip> *)
  match p with
  | PIVar x => v x
  | PIConst b => b
  | PIIf c t f => if ifsem v c then ifsem v t else ifsem v f
  (* </skip> *)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Write the normalization functions from assertions of type assn to  *
 * assertions of type ifassn.                                         *)

Fixpoint ifassn_of_assn (p : assn) :=
  (* <skip> *)
  match p with
  | PVar x => PIVar x
  | PFalse => PIConst false
  | PAnd p1 p2 => PIIf (ifassn_of_assn p1) (ifassn_of_assn p2) (PIConst false)
  | POr p1 p2 => PIIf (ifassn_of_assn p1) (PIConst true) (ifassn_of_assn p2)
  | PImp p1 p2 => PIIf (ifassn_of_assn p1) (ifassn_of_assn p2) (PIConst true)
  (* </skip> *)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Show that your normalization function is correct w.r.t. ifsem.     *)

Lemma ifassn_correct (v : valuation) (p : assn) :
  sem v p = ifsem v (ifassn_of_assn p).
(* <skip> *)
elim p; simpl; auto; intros q ihq r ihr;
  now rewrite <- ihq, <- ihr; case (sem v q).
(* </skip> *)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* We now define the syntax of normalized assertions. We see that the   *
 * conditions of the if-then-else expressions are now enforced to be    *
 * propositional variables.                                             *)

Inductive nifassn : Type :=
| PNIVar (_ : nat)
| PNIConst (_ : bool)
| PNIIf (_ : nat) (_ : nifassn) (_ : nifassn).

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Define the semantic of the assertions of type nifassn.             *)

Fixpoint nifsem (v : valuation) (p : nifassn) : bool :=
  (* <skip> *)
  match p with
  | PNIVar x => v x
  | PNIConst b => b
  | PNIIf x t f => if v x then nifsem v t else nifsem v f
  (* </skip> *)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* We define below the normalization function for assertions of type    *
 * ifassn, obtaining assertions of type nifassn.                    *)

Fixpoint normif (c t f : nifassn) {struct c} :=
  match c with
  | PNIVar x => PNIIf x t f
  | PNIConst true => t
  | PNIConst false => f
  | PNIIf c' t' f' => PNIIf c' (normif t' t f) (normif f' t f)

Fixpoint norm (p : ifassn) : nifassn :=
  match p with
  | PIVar x => PNIVar x
  | PIConst b => PNIConst b
  | PIIf c t f => normif (norm c) (norm t) (norm f)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Show that the normalization functions are correct w.r.t. nifsem.   *)

Lemma normif_correct (v : valuation) (c t f : nifassn) :
  nifsem v (normif c t f) = if nifsem v c then nifsem v t else nifsem v f.
Proof. elim c; simpl; auto.
(* <skip> *)
+ now intros b; case b.
+ now intros x t' iht' f' ihf'; case (v x); [rewrite iht' | rewrite ihf'].
(* </skip> *)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
Lemma norm_correct (v : valuation) (p : ifassn) : nifsem v (norm p) = ifsem v p.
(* <skip> *)
elim p; simpl; auto; intros c ihc t iht f ihf.
now rewrite <- ihc, normif_correct, iht, ihf.
(* </skip> *)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Finally, we provide a procedure that decides if a normalized         *
 * assertion is universally valid w.r.t. nifasm.                      *)

Definition xt (v : nat -> option bool) (x : nat) (b : bool) :=
  fun y => if beq_nat x y then Some b else v y.

Fixpoint nifassn_tauto_r (v : nat -> option bool) (p : nifassn) :=
  match p with
  | PNIVar x => match v x with Some true => true | _ => false end
  | PNIConst b => b

  | PNIIf x t f =>
    match v x with
    | Some true => nifassn_tauto_r v t
    | Some false => nifassn_tauto_r v f
    | None =>
           nifassn_tauto_r (xt v x true ) t
        && nifassn_tauto_r (xt v x false) f

Definition nifassn_tauto p := nifassn_tauto_r (fun _ => None) p.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Show the correctness of the procedure...                             *)

Lemma nifassn_tauto_r_correct (xv : nat -> option bool) (p : nifassn) :
     nifassn_tauto_r xv p = true
  -> forall v, (forall x b, xv x = Some b -> v x = b)
       -> nifsem v p = true.
(* <skip> *)
revert xv; elim p; simpl; auto.
+ intros x xv Vxv v hv; apply hv; revert Vxv.
  now case (xv x) as [b|]; [case b|].
+ intros x t iht f ihf xv Vxv v hv; revert Vxv hv.
  case_eq (xv x); [intros b; case b; intros xvE h hv|].
  * now rewrite (hv _ _ xvE); apply (iht xv).
  * now rewrite (hv _ _ xvE); apply (ihf xv).
  * intros xvE h hv; apply andb_true_iff in h; case h as [h1 h2].
    case_eq (v x); intros vxE; [apply (iht _ h1) | apply (ihf _ h2)].
    - intros y b; unfold xt; case_eq (Nat.eqb x y); intros heq.
      ++ apply beq_nat_true_iff in heq; rewrite <- heq.
         now intros bE; injection bE; clear bE; intros bE; subst b.
      ++ now apply hv.
    - intros y b; unfold xt; case_eq (Nat.eqb x y); intros heq.
      ++ apply beq_nat_true_iff in heq; rewrite <- heq.
         now intros bE; injection bE; clear bE; intros bE; subst b.
      ++ now apply hv.
(* </skip> *)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
Lemma nifassn_tauto_correct (p : nifassn) :
  nifassn_tauto p = true -> forall v, nifsem v p = true.
(* <skip> *)
now intros h v; assert (h' := nifassn_tauto_r_correct _ _ h v); apply h'.
(* </skip> *)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* ...and its completness.                                              *)

Lemma nifassn_tauto_r_complete (xv : nat -> option bool) (p : nifassn) :
     nifassn_tauto_r xv p = false
  -> exists v, (forall x b, xv x = Some b -> v x = b) /\ nifsem v p = false.
(* <skip> *)
revert xv; elim p; simpl.
+ intros x xv; case_eq (xv x); [intros []; [easy|intros xvE _]|intros xvE _].
  - exists (fun x => match xv x with Some b => b | _ => false end).
    now rewrite xvE; split; [intros y n xvyE; rewrite xvyE|easy].
  - exists (fun x => match xv x with Some b => b | _ => false end).
    now rewrite xvE; split; [intros y b xvyE; rewrite xvyE|easy].
+ intros b xv bE; subst b.
  exists (fun x => match xv x with Some b => b | _ => false end).
  now split; [intros x b xvE|easy]; rewrite xvE.
+ intros x t iht f ihf xv; case_eq (xv x); [intros b|].
  - case b; intros xvE h; [apply iht in h|apply ihf in h].
    * case h; intros v [h1 h2]; exists v; split; [easy|].
      now rewrite (h1 _ _ xvE).
    * case h; intros v [h1 h2]; exists v; split; [easy|].
      now rewrite (h1 _ _ xvE).
  - intros xvE h; apply andb_false_iff in h; case h; clear h; intros h.
    * case (iht _ h); intros v [h1 h2]; exists v; split.
      ++ intros y b; case_eq (x =? y); intros xy.
         -- now apply beq_nat_true_iff in xy; rewrite <- xy, xvE.
         -- intros xvyE; generalize (h1 y b); unfold xt.
            now rewrite xy; intros h'; apply h'.
      ++ now rewrite (h1 x true); [|unfold xt; rewrite <- beq_nat_refl].
    * case (ihf _ h); intros v [h1 h2]; exists v; split.
      ++ intros y b; case_eq (x =? y); intros xy.
         -- now apply beq_nat_true_iff in xy; rewrite <- xy, xvE.
         -- intros xvyE; generalize (h1 y b); unfold xt.
            now rewrite xy; intros h'; apply h'.
      ++ now rewrite (h1 x false); [|unfold xt; rewrite <- beq_nat_refl].
(* </skip> *)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
Lemma nifassn_tauto_complete (p : nifassn) :
  nifassn_tauto p = false -> exists v, nifsem v p = false.
(* <skip> *)
intros h; case (nifassn_tauto_r_complete _ _ h).
now intros v [_ hv]; exists v.
(* </skip> *)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* From this, define a decision procedure for the univdesal validity    *
 * and non-normalized assertions.                                       *)

Definition is_tautology (p : assn) : bool :=
  (* <skip> *)
  nifassn_tauto (norm (ifassn_of_assn p)).
  (* </skip> *)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Show the correctness of the procedure...                             *)

Lemma is_tautology_correct (p : assn) : is_tautology p = true -> valid p.
(* <skip> *)
intros h v; generalize (nifassn_tauto_correct _ h v).
now rewrite norm_correct, <- ifassn_correct.
(* </skip> *)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* ...and its completness.                                              *)

Lemma is_tautology_complete (p : assn) :
  is_tautology p = false -> exists v, sem v p = false.
(* <skip> *)
unfold is_tautology.
case_eq (nifassn_tauto (norm (ifassn_of_assn p))); [easy|].
intros h; case (nifassn_tauto_complete _ h); intros v hv _.
now rewrite <- hv; exists v; rewrite norm_correct, <- ifassn_correct.
(* </skip> *)