(version française)

INF564 - TD 3 - Mini-Turtle (in OCaml)

The goal of this lab is to implement the syntax analysis of a small Logo language (graphical turtle) whose interpreter is provided. No prior knowledge of Logo is required.

The tool menhir and the graphics library are requirements for this lab. If you haven't already, install them with the command opam install menhir graphics.

The basic structure is provided (a tarball with OCaml files and a Makefile) : mini-turtle.tar.gz. Once uncompressed (for instance with tar zxvf mini-turtle.tar.gz, you get a directory mini-turtle/ with the following files:

turtle.ml(i) the graphical turtle (complete)
ast.ml the abstract syntax mini-Turtle (complete)
lexer.mll lexical analyzer (to be completed)
parser.mly syntax analyzer (to be completed)
interp.ml the interpreter (complete)
miniturtle.ml main file (complete)
Makefile/dune to automate the build (complete)

The code compiles (run make, which runs dune build) but is incomplete. Places to be filled are marked * À COMPLÉTER */. The program takes a file to be interpreted on the command line, with suffix .logo. When running make, the program is run on file test.logo.

Syntax of mini-Turtle

Lexical Conventions

Spaces, tabs, and newlines are blanks. There are two kinds of comments: from // to the end of the line, or enclosed by (* and *) (and not nested). The following identifiers are keywords:
     if else def repeat penup pendown forward turnleft
     turnright color black white red green blue
An identifier ident contains letters, digits, and underscores and starts with a letter. An integer literal integer is a sequence of digits.


Names in italics, such as expr, are nonterminals. Notation stmt* means a repetition zero, one, or several times of nonterminal stmt. Notation expr*, means a repetition of nonterminal expr where occurrences are separated with the terminal , (a comma).
  file ::= def* stmt*
  def  ::= def ident ( ident*, ) stmt
  stmt ::= penup
         | pendown
         | forward expr
         | turnleft expr
         | turnright expr
         | color color
         | ident ( expr*, )
         | if expr stmt
         | if expr stmt else stmt
         | repeat expr stmt
         | { stmt* }
  expr ::= integer
         | ident
         | expr + expr
         | expr - expr
         | expr * expr
         | expr / expr
         | - expr
         | ( expr )
 color ::= black | white | red | green | blue
Priorities of arithmetic operations are usual, and unary negation has the strongest priority.

Lab Assignment

You have to fill files lexer.mll (ocamllex) and parser.mly (Menhir). The following questions suggest an incremental way of doing this. At each step, you can test by modifying file test.logo. The command make (at the root of the directory) runs tools ocamllex and menhir (to build/update the OCaml files lexer.ml, parser.mli and parser.ml), then compile the OCaml code, and finally run the program on file test.logo. If the parsing is successful, a graphical windows opens and displays the interpretation of the program. Pressing any key closes the window.

If needed, do make explain to display the conflicts detected by menhir.

Question 1. Comments

Complete the file lexer.mll to ignore blanks and comments and to return the token EOF when the end of input is reached. The command make should be opening an empty window, since file test.logo only contains comments at this point.

Question 2. Arithmetic Expressions

Update the parser the accept arithmetic expressions and the forward statement. The file test.logo containing
  forward 100
should be accepted and a window should open with an horizontal line (100 pixels long). Check the priorities of arithmetic operations, for instance with
  forward 100 + 1 * 0
If the priorities are wrong, you will get a point instead of a line.

Question 3. Other Atomic Statements

Add syntax for the other atomic statements, namely penup, pendown, turnleft, turnright, and color.

Test with programs such as

forward 100
turnleft 90
color red
forward 100

Question 4. Blocks and Control Structures

Add syntax for blocks and control structures if and repeat. The two grammar rules for if should trigger a shift/reduce conflict. Identify it, understand it, and solve it in the way that is most appropriate.

Test with programs such as

repeat 4 {
  forward 100
  turnleft 90

Question 5. Functions

Finally, add syntax for function declarations and function calls.

You can test using the files provided in subdirectory tests, namely :

The command make tests runs the program on each of these files. You should get the following images (pressing a key in between):
solution: lexer.mll / parser.mly

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