(version française)

INF564 - TD 2 - Mini-Python interpreter (in OCaml)

The goal of this lab is to build an interpreter for a simple fragment of Python, called mini-Python. You don't have to know Python.

To help you building this interpreter, we provide the basic structure (as a set of OCaml files together with Makefile and dune), to be downloaded here: mini-python.tar.gz.

Once uncompressed (with tar zxvf mini-python.tar.gz), you get a directory mini-python/ with the following files:

ast.ml abstract syntax of mini-Python (complete)
lexer.mll lexical analysis (complete)
parser.mly parsing (complete)
interp.ml interpreter (to be completed)
minipython.ml main file (complete)
Makefile/dune to automate the build (complete)

The code compiles (run make, that launches dune build) but is incomplete. You have to complete interp.ml.

The executable takes a mini-Python file on the command line, with suffix .py. When it is absent, file test.py is used. When running make, the interpreter is run on file test.py.

A mini-Python file has the following structure:

# zero, one or several function definitions at the beginning of the file
def fibaux(a, b, k):
    if k == 0:
        return a
        return fibaux(b, a+b, k-1)

def fib(n):
    return fibaux(0, 1, n)

# then one or several statements at the end of the file
print("a few values of the Fibonacci sequence:")
for n in [0, 1, 11, 42]:
More generally, a mini-Python file is composed of an optional list of function definitions, followed by a list of statements. Caveat: the last statement must be followed by a newline. Statements are: assignment, conditional, loop (for), output with print, returning a value with return, and evaluation an expression. Expressions are: a constant (Boolean, integer, or string), access to a variable, building a list (with syntax [e1, e2, ..., en]), access to a list element (with syntax notation e[i]), function call, or one of the operations +, -, *, //, ==, <>, <, <=, >, >=, and, or and not.

We also consider three built-in functions: list(range(n)) builds the list [0, 1, 2, ..., n-1] and len(l) returns the length of list l. (We only use list and range jointly in this way.)

Question 1. Arithmetic Expressions

For the moment, we only consider arithmetic expressions without variables. Complete function expr to evaluate such expressions (and ignore argument ctx to function expr).

Test on the following file

print(1 + 2*3)
print((3*3 + 4*4) // 5)
whose output must be
Division and modulus operations must signal a division by zero, using function error provided in file interp.ml.

To test, simply edit file test.py and run make. This recompiles the interpreter and runs it on file test.py.

Question 2. Boolean Expressions and Conditionals

Complete functions is_true and is_false, which respectively decide whether a value is true or false. In Python, the value None, the Boolean False, the integer 0, the empty string "" and the empty list [] are all considered false, and any other value is considered true.

Then complete function expr to interpret Boolean constants, arithmetic comparison and operations and, or and not. In Python, comparison is structural; you can use the structural comparison of OCaml to do so, that means using OCaml's operation < on values of type value. (This is not 100% compatible with Python, but this will be addressed later.)

Finally, complete function stmt to interpret the conditional (construction Sif).

Test on the following file

print(not True and 1//0==0)
if False or True:
whose output must be

Question 3. Variables

To handle variables (global variables but also local variables and parameters) we are going to use an environment, namely a hash table that is passed to functions expr and stmt under the name ctx. This table maps each known variable to its value. It is implemented by module Hashtbl from the OCaml standard library, and has type
  (string, value) Hashtbl.t
Complete function expr so that we can access variables. This is pattern Eident id. Accessing a variable that is not in the map must raise an error.

Similarly, complete function stmt so that we can assign a value to a variable. This is pattern Sassign (id, e1). This time, the variable may or may not be in the table. In the latter case, its value is modified.

Finally, complete function expr so that we can concatenate two strings with operation +.

Test on the following file

x = 41
x = x+1
b = True and False
s = "hello" + " world!"
whose output must be
hello world!

Question 4. Functions

We now consider function definitions and calls. Functions are stored in the following global hash table:
let functions = (Hashtbl.create 17 : (string, ident list * stmt) Hashtbl.t)
Each function name is mapped to a pair consisting of the list of its parameters and its body (a statement). Complete function file so that it fills this table with functions contained in list dl.

Then complete function expr and stmt to interpret a call to a function. For a call f(e1,...,en) to a function f defined as def f(x1,...,xn): body, we have to build a new environment that maps each formal parameter xi to the value of ei. Then we interpret the statement body (the body of the function) in this new environment. The statement return is interpreted using the OCaml exception Return (already defined). If the execution terminates without an explicit return, the value None must be returned.

Test on the following file

def fact(n):
    if n <= 1: return 1
    return n * fact(n-1)

whose output must be

Question 5. Lists

Add support for lists. To do so, complete function expr so that we can concatenate two lists with operation +, to interpret calls to len (length of a list) and list(range(n)) (the list [0, 1, 2, ..., n-1]), and to interpret expressions [e1, e2, ..., en] and e1[e2].

Complete function stmt to interpret the assignment of a list element (pattern Sset (e1, e2, e3)).

Finally, complete function stmt to interpret the for loop. The statement Sfor(x,e,s) successively assigns to the variable x the values of the list e, and executes the statement s for each of them. The expression e must be evaluated only once.

Test using the program at the beginning of this page. The output must be:


Question 5. Other tests

Positive and negative tests are provided. To run your interpreter on these tests, launch make tests.

Question 6 (bonus). Structural Comparison

On lists, the structural comparison of Python does not coincide with the OCaml structural comparison of values of type value array. Indeed, OCaml first compares lengths, then elements. As a consequence, OCaml declares that [|0;1;1|] is greater than [|1|], while Python declares that [0,1,1] is smaller than [1] (lexicographic order).

Implement a function compare_value: value -> value -> int to compare two Python values. It returns a negative integer (resp. zero, resp. a positive integer) when the first value is smaller (resp. equal, resp. greater) than the second value. Use a Python interpreter as a reference to get the semantics right. Use compare_values to fix what your answer to question 2.

Do a few tests by yourself.


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