std::is_destructible, std::is_trivially_destructible, std::is_nothrow_destructible

< cpp‎ | types
Type support
Basic types
Fundamental types
Fixed width integer types (C++11)
Numeric limits
C numeric limits interface
Runtime type information
Type traits
Primary type categories
Type properties
Supported operations
Relationships and property queries
Type modifications
Type transformations
Type trait constants
Defined in header <type_traits>
template< class T >
struct is_destructible;
(1) (since C++11)
template< class T >
struct is_trivially_destructible;
(2) (since C++11)
template< class T >
struct is_nothrow_destructible;
(3) (since C++11)
1) If an imaginary struct containing a member object of type T has a non-deleted destructor, provides the member constant value equal true. For any other type, value is false. (until C++14)

1) If T is a reference type, provides the member constant value equal true

If T is an incomplete type (including void) or a function type, value equals false.

If T is an object type, then, for the type U equal std::remove_all_extents<T>::type, if the expression std::declval<U&>().~U() is well-formed in unevaluated context, value equals true. Otherwise, value equals false.

(since C++14)

2) same as 1), but the destructor does not call any operation that is not trivial.

3) same as 1), but the destructor is noexcept.


Inherited from std::integral_constant

Member constants

true if T is destructible, false otherwise
(public static member constant)

Member functions

operator bool
converts the object to bool, returns value
(public member function)
returns value
(public member function)

Member types

Type Definition
value_type bool
type std::integral_constant<bool, value>

[edit] Notes

Because the C++ program terminates if a destructor throws an exception during stack unwinding (which usually cannot be predicted), all practical destructors are non-throwing even if they are not declared noexcept. All destructors found in the C++ standard library are non-throwing.

Storage occupied by trivially destructible objects may be reused without calling the destructor.

[edit] Example

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
struct Foo {
   std::string str;
   ~Foo() noexcept {};
struct Bar {
    ~Bar() = default;
int main() {
    std::cout << std::boolalpha
              << "std::string is destructible? "
              << std::is_destructible<std::string>::value << '\n'
              << "Foo is nothrow destructible? "
              << std::is_nothrow_destructible<Foo>::value << '\n'
              << "Bar is trivally destructible? "
              << std::is_trivially_destructible<Bar>::value << '\n';


std::string is destructible? true
Foo is nothrow destructible? true
Bar is trivally destructible? true

[edit] See also

checks if a type has a constructor for specific arguments
(class template)
checks if a type has a virtual destructor
(class template)