Type alias, alias template (since C++11)

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Type alias is a name that refers to a previously defined type (similar to typedef)

Alias template is a name that refers to a family of types.


[edit] Syntax

Alias declarations are block declarations with the following syntax

using identifier attr(optional) = type-id ; (1)
template < template-parameter-list >

using identifier attr(optional) = type-id ;

attr(C++11) - optional sequence of any number of attributes
identifier - the name that is introduced by this declaration, which becomes either a type name (1) or a template name (2)
template-parameter-list - template parameter list, as in template declaration
type-id - abstract declarator or any other valid type-id. For alias template declaration, type-id cannot directly or indirectly refer to identifier

[edit] Explanation

1) A type alias declaration introduces a name which can be used as a synonym for the type denoted by type-id. It does not introduce a new type and it cannot change the meaning of an existing type name. There is no difference between a type alias declaration and typedef declaration.
2) An alias template is a template which, when specialized, is equivalent to the result of substituting the template arguments of the alias template for the template parameters in the type-id
template<class T> struct Alloc {};
template<class T> using Vec = vector<T, Alloc<T>>; // type-id is vector<T, Alloc<T>>
Vec<int> v; // Vec<int> is the same as vector<int, Alloc<int>>

The type produced when specializing an alias template is not allowed to directly or indirectly make use of its own type:

template <class T> struct A;
template <class T> using B = typename A<T>::U; // type-id is A<T>::U
template <class T> struct A {
    typedef B<T> U;
B<short> b; // error: B<short> uses its own type via A<short>::U

Alias templates are never deduced by template argument deduction when deducing a template template parameter.

It is not possible to partially or fully specialize an alias template.

[edit] Example

#include <string>
#include <ios>
#include <type_traits>
// type alias, identical to
// typedef std::ios_base::fmtflags flags;
using flags = std::ios_base::fmtflags;
// the name 'flags' now denotes a type:
flags fl = std::ios_base::dec;
// type alias, identical to
// typedef void (*func)(int, int);
using func = void (*) (int,int);
// the name 'func' now denotes a pointer to function:
void example(int, int) {}
func fn = example;
// template type alias
template<class T> using ptr = T*; 
// the name 'ptr<T>' is now an alias for pointer to T
ptr<int> x;
// type alias used to hide a template parameter 
template <class CharT> using mystring = 
mystring<char> str;
// type alias can introduce a member typedef name
template<typename T>
struct Container {
    using value_type = T;
// which can be used in generic programming
template<typename Container>
void fn2(const Container& c)
    typename Container::value_type n;
// type alias used to simplify the syntax of std::enable_if
template <typename T> using Invoke =
    typename T::type;
template <typename Condition> using EnableIf =
template <typename T, typename = EnableIf<std::is_polymorphic<T>>>
int fpoly_only(T t) { return 1; } 
struct S { virtual ~S() {} };
int main() 
    Container<int> c;
    fn2(c); // Container::value_type will be int in this function
//    fpoly_only(c); // error, enable_if prohibits this
    S s;
    fpoly_only(s); // okay, enable_if allows this

[edit] See also

typedef declaration creates a synonym for a type